Our Main Goal

Easy access and prevention before cure and minimally invasive curative approach

The initiative intends to test our hypothesis that provision of the following 4 pillars would accelerate and improve the existing rural health care for women:

  1. Provision of an accessible specialized women’s Centre (like Mangal Pratap Women’s Health Centre) situated in the rural area, will make it easier to approach the rural women and collaborate with the existing health care providers like the CHW, ASHA workers etc. This would open a door of opportunity to understand their unsaid needs and provide solutions at the closest site of their residence. lt would help empower women and rural health providers with relevant and appropriate evidence-based health messaging at regular intervals via locally acceptable platforms and forums. The initiative intends to provide solutions to the needs of the women as close to their home. We intend to replicate the services of the GP or family doctor concept for women from the Danish Model.
  2. Provision of evidence-based preventive health services with development of protocols that can be easily followed by the health provider. Counselling for preventive approach towards health instead of curative. Encouraging and attempting to implement preventive vaccination programs like HPV, better family planning etc.
  3. Provision of evidence-based curative health services with development of protocols that include minimally invasive treatment strategy as best possible. Provide a network of experts in the field on an Advisory board to provide proper guidance and referrals for complicated disease management. Access to modern technology with focus on minimally invasive surgical treatments at the rural Centre to reduce clinical morbidity and minimize economic burden on the patient.
  4. Provision of digitalization of the obtained health data to be transparent, reproducible hence generate and maintain a robust database of the health indicators of the rural women which can be monitored over time and used for research purposes and teaching.